On Sep 1, 2015, at 6:29 AM, Yves-Eric <yemar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I think I have stumbled upon a bug in HashWithIndifferentAccess.
> I cannot pinpoint it exactly, but I have written a small test case that 
> exhibits the buggy behavior:
> https://gist.github.com/yemartin/54db7476aa41b85e7eb8
> The same code works fine if we use a regular Hash for `@store` instead of a 
> HashWithIndifferentAccess.
> Is this a known issue or should I fill a bug report?

This code in your example:

  @store[:foo] ||= {bar: 'BAR'}

does not do what you may be thinking it does. HWIA overrides the `[]=` operator:


to convert incoming plain Hash objects into HWIA. So the object that eventually 
is stored in `@store[:foo]` is NOT the one that was passed to the assignment 

You can check this explicitly:

  require 'active_support/all'

  @store = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new

  def my_hash
    @store[:foo] ||= {bar: 'BAR'}

  first_time = my_hash # => {:bar =>”BAR”}
  second_time = my_hash # => {“bar”=>”BAR”}

Note that `first_time` and `second_time` don’t have matching `inspect` results. 

Assignment operators *always* return the value passed on the right-hand side, 
regardless of what the underlying `[]=` method returns. This means that in 
cases where the object doesn’t require conversion (coalwater’s modification 
from your Gist) the object returned from `||=` DOES match, and Waldo is found.

Not sure if there’s a fix for this - the converting-on-[]= behavior is 
something many applications are likely to depend on, and the behavior of 
assignment operators is a core Ruby issue.

—Matt Jones

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