I propose replace all the endless loop do to while true:

NUMBER = 100_000_000

def old_slow
  index = 0
  loop do
    break if index > NUMBER
    index += 1

def new_fast
  index = 0
  while true
    break if index > NUMBER
    index += 1

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("new_fast") { new_fast }
  x.report("old_slow") { old_slow }

Calculating -------------------------------------
            new_fast     1.000  i/100ms
            old_slow     1.000  i/100ms
            new_fast      0.655  (± 0.0%) i/s -      4.000  in   6.106470s
            old_slow      0.259  (± 0.0%) i/s -      2.000  in   7.707258s

            new_fast:        0.7 i/s
            old_slow:        0.3 i/s - 2.52x slower

What do you think about it?

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