The single = sign: oops, sorry - you're quite right. Should one of the

        if (ajaxSupport == true) {}
        if (ajaxSupport) {}
        if (Ajax.getTransport()) {}

And the Ajax.Update() thing should be pseudo code. Sorry for the lack
of clarity. It should be the scriptaculous function "Ajax.Updater()",

Let me describe my idea in another way: on the first page there's a
<div>-tag with the id="searchengines". This <div> contains the content
of all pages (very small web-site) or static links to the pages (a kind
of link-list). Furthermore the first page contains the JavaScript part
to check if the current client has AJAX capability. If AJAX is not
supported (ajaxSupport==false) or the JavaScript is not executed (e.g.
the client is a search engine), there is just the start page with the
static links (for human-visitors AND for search engines).

If the client has AJAX capability the content of the <div>-tag
(id="searchengines") is cleared (or its visibility is hidden) and the
page is updated by Ajax.Updater(...) with content of the second page
(e.g. the first static link on the link-list).

Conclusion: a modern web-browser with AJAX support doesn't see the
content of the <div>-tag because it's cleared as soon as possible and
the page-content is updated with the second page. A search engine or a
very old browser without AJAX support sees the <div>-tag with links to
the pages (and may follow them). These are the same pages as updated by
AJAX - but more "static"... you know?

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