My rule of thumb : Cucumber for integration testing ( output =
documentation of features ) and RSpec for unit testing ( output =
documentation of code )

On 23 August 2013 03:18, Tamara Temple <> wrote:

> On Aug 22, 2013, at 4:29 PM, "Jason Hsu, Android developer" <
>> wrote:
> > So far, I've been using RSpec for testing my Rails apps simply because
> that's what emphasizes.
> >
> > However, I am in the process of trying out Cucumber.  I like the fact
> that it's in plain English, and this is an asset for communicating with
> clients or other people who aren't Rubyists.  Migrating to Cucumber sounds
> like a good idea.
> >
> > I'm curious about what you prefer.  Do any of you know Cucumber well,
> yet still prefer RSpec?  If so, why?
> Jason, I highly recommend picking up The RSpec Book, published by
> Pragmatic Programmers [1]. It discusses both RSpec and Cucumber: when and
> how to use both of them. They actually work well together, and complement
> each other in many ways.
> For me, RSpec is the way I like to perform unit and functional testing,
> while Cucumber, with the Gherkin language, seems ideal for describing and
> testing the larger elements of the application, and are quite well suited
> to documenting stories as one does in Agile development, and implementing
> them to provide acceptance tests for features and releases. Cucumber is
> useful also to drive external testing of web applications via Capybara or
> Watir, and also for driving command line tools via Aruba.
> So, for me, it's not really one *or* the other, it's both, and deciding
> what level of testing is needed and how easy it will be to implement that
> test. It is possible, I suppose, to use only one of them, but the level of
> detail expressible in RSpec seems to me to be ideal at the lowest level,
> and the large scale expressibility with Gherkin makes Cucumber more
> relevant to higher levels of abstraction that can be written and read by
> non-technical people fairly easily.
> [1]
> --
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