I have a Reminder model, Attachment Model and it has habtm relationship
with each other.

So I have a created another table as attachment_reminders table in mysql
through migrations and it has reminder_id and attachment_id fields.

In controller I need to copy a record in attachment table and save it in
Attachment table. I am able to do that..

But I need to add the same in the attachment_reminders table also.  How
can I achieve it. Please find my code below

    def view_reminder
        @reminder = Reminder.find(params[:id2])
        @attachments = @reminder.attachments
           if request.post?
             @attachments.each do |at|
             rec = at.clone
             rec.created_at = Time.now
             rec.updated_at = Time.now
        flash[:notice]="Reminder updated successfully"
        redirect_to :controller=>"reminde", :action=>"view_reminder",

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