On Mar 25, 2015, at 1:20 AM, Ganesh Ranganathan 
<ganesh.ranganathan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you suggest a good gem for generating word files from Rails. The main 
> requirement is to replace some sections inside an existing template in rails.

1) You might want to use RTF templates instead. It's a format you can more 
easily search for your markers and modify, and Word will open it directly.

2) If RTF is insufficient, you might consider Word + VBA, and use Word's actual 
scripting to fill in the templates. (Perhaps also OpenOffice or a derivative.)

3) Perhaps there's something in the OpenOffice libraries which could be wrapped 
up into a  gem to do what you want.

> I used docx_replace, but found that it's not always replacing the variable 
> names with the template values. 

Note the second sentence in the description of docx_replace: "This is 
purposefully meant to be simple and feature-light."

The specification of the docx format is over 7,000 pages--"simple" and 
"complete" are incompatible goals when dealing with docx.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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