Thank you for that, I am still building  the client gem itself, but you did 
prompt me to look around a bit.   Took a look at active resource, and the 
Schema and attributes stuff is going along the path I was looking for.  I 
suspect that I might even be able to make ActiveResource work with the 
Rakuten RMS API, but at the moment I am content to lift some bits from 
ActiveResource, which should also give me the info I need to make the 
errors stuff rails consistent.

I am still not sure how I am going to map from Rails models to my Rakuten 
client models, but I am getting nearer.


On Monday, 23 March 2015 17:07:24 UTC, dasibre wrote:
> I'm not completely certain, but I think you might find some insight by 
> looking at ActiveModel
> On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 10:14:27 AM UTC-4, tonypm wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on building an api client for the Rakuten MarketPlace.  I 
>> have got some test requests for add delete update etc working and thought I 
>> should aim to structure it as a Gem and publish it so that others can use 
>> it/enhance it.
>> I havn't built a Gem before (worked mostly within the rails environment 
>> to date).
>> Have been reading and looking at other api client gems and am making 
>> progress on building something (still got a way to go to handle errors etc.)
>> To make the gem general purpose though, I am trying to figure out the 
>> best way to provide the mapping between models in a rails app and  the api 
>> client objects (such as product, category, order etc).
>> I am aiming to make each client api object a class be  (or should i call 
>> them models?) 
>> Then I suspect I will use new to build an api instance from a rails 
>> instance, and find to return an api instance to a rails instance.
>> i can build in mapping for my own models to the api objects with no 
>> problem, but I can't see how I could generalize this so that other apps 
>> with similar models could use the gem.
>> I suspect there are approaches for doing this, but so far I haven't 
>> managed to come up with how to do it.  If anyone has any wisdom on the 
>> matter I would be grateful.
>> Tony Martin

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