On 7 February 2018 at 17:19, fugee ohu <fugee...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I dunno why this doesn't produce any output
>     <% @pictures=Picture.all %>

Model.all has been deprecated since rails 2.3.8.  Don't use it.

>     <% @pictures.all do |picture| %>

this should be using each, not all


> <% if @person %>
> <% if picture.person_id == @person.id %>
> <%= check_box_tag 'person[picture_ids][]', picture.id, true %>
> <% else %>
>    <%= check_box_tag 'person[picture_ids][]', picture.id %>
> <% end %>
> <%= image_tag picture.name.thumb %>
> <% end %>
>     <% end %>

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