John Mcleod wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here's a newbie question (4 weeks and counting).
> My routes.rb is as below.
> map.resources :projects, :departments, :users, :admins, :imports, :notes
> #Below is route in question
> map.resources :projects, :collection => { :view_all => :get }
> map.home '', :controller => 'projects', :action => 'index'
> map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
> map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
> I'm tried to get a url like this:
> http://localhost:3000/projects/view_all
> I have a view_all in the ProjectsController and I have a view_all
> template.
> When I type in the desired url, I get this error:
> "ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ProjectsController#show
> Couldn't find Project with ID=view_all"
> Thank you for any help.
> JohnM

Your view_all == default index

That being said, when you add a controller method like view_all, you'll 
need to tell the routes about it (add view_all as a get method for the 

map.resources :projects, :collection => {:view_all => :get}
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