put brackets around the SomeObject and from statement
not ( SomeObject(val == "5") from dao.find(99) )

Eric Miles wrote:
I'm trying to use the FROM keyword in a way that I think it should be
able to be used, but I'm getting compilation errors.  Here are the 2
ways that I'm getting stumped on:

exist SomeObject(val == "5") from dao.find(99)


not AnotherObject(val == "Dad") from anotherDao.find(1)

If I remove the exist and not, everything compiles okay.  With the first
test, I'd like to ensure an object exists AND it has a value of 5.
dao.find could return a null, so I don't want the test to crap out
because of a NullPointerException.

With the second one, I want to ensure the collection returned from
anotherDao.find call does not have an AnotherObject instance with a
value of "Dad".

These seem like fairly trivial things to test for, so I'm fairly certain
there's an appropriate way to structure these test.  Any help is

Thanks all.

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