Hmm... if you look in BRMSPackageBuilder in the BRMS source code, you can
see you can add DSL files together (you just have one expander statement -
the expander statement is for the IDE) - however, I think that may not work
in eclipse to make it content assistance pick up the other DSL file.

On Jan 17, 2008 6:49 PM, mmquelo massi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I was wondering whether is possible to add multiple DSL sources to a
> single
> rule package.
> If we look to the *PackageBuilder* methods we do not find any method
> which allows us to add more than one DSL source per DRL reader.
> I would like to be able to do something like:
> *package myRulePackage*
> *expander DSLsource1;*
> *expander DSLsource2;*
> **
> *rule "myMultipleDSLRule"*
> *    when*
> *        #*
> *    then*
> *        #*
> *end*
> **
> **
> *.....*
> **
> *rule*
> *    .....*
> *end*
> Is That possible??
> In case It weren't possible, Would It be any workaround to this?
> I guess I could workaround this using the class *DefaultExpanderResolver*
> but I have got no idea on the way to do it.
> Can You suggest me any way to do it?
> Does anybody have ever had the same issue?
> Let me know.
> Thank You anyway.
> Massi
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