Can you open a JIRA for this? If you provide a unit test with it, we'll see if we can include this in 4.0.7. 5.0 will now have shadow proxies any more, as default.

vdelbart wrote:
I think the method cloneObject 'ShadowProxyUtils' could be improve like
follow :

   public static Object cloneObject(Object original) {
        Object clone = null;
        if ( original instanceof Cloneable ) {
            try {
                Method cloneMethod = original.getClass().getMethod( "clone",
Class[0] );
                clone = cloneMethod.invoke( original,
                                            new Object[0] );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                /* Failed to clone.  Don't worry about it, and just return
                 * the original object. */
                clone = null;

        if ( clone == null ) {
            try {
if ( original instanceof Map && original != Collections.EMPTY_MAP && !UNMODIFIABLE_MAP.isAssignableFrom( original.getClass()
) ) {
/* empty and unmodifiable maps can't (and don't need to)
be shadowed */
                    clone = original.getClass().newInstance();
                    ((Map) clone).putAll( (Map) original );
} else if ( original instanceof Collection && original != Collections.EMPTY_LIST && original != Collections.EMPTY_SET && !UNMODIFIABLE_COLLECTION.isAssignableFrom(
original.getClass() ) ) {
/* empty and unmodifiable collections can't (and don't
need to) be shadowed */
                    clone = original.getClass().newInstance();
                    ((Collection) clone).addAll( (Collection) original );
} else if ( original.getClass().isArray() ) {
                    clone = cloneArray( original );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
                /* Failed to clone.  Don't worry about it, and just return
                 * the original object. */
                clone = null;

        if ( clone == null ) {
            clone = original;

        return clone;

In this way my PersistentSet will be not clone and I will be able to
continue to use shadow fact

What do you think about ?


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