That would be one way to accomplish this. For your situation, though, I
would use a stateless session since your servlets are stateless.

One of the things I'd like to see changed in drools is that, while it does
complicated processing and returns complex answers very well, it's difficult
to return simple answers. I would like to see methods like
fireRulesReturningBoolean kind of thing, but it would require a paradigm
shift in the rules themselves. Alas!

Anyway, I think that's how I'd handle it. I also construct wrappers around
the basic data types to receive these answers. I wish Sun would implement
the bean interface for Integer, Long, Character, String, etc. It would
certainly be simple enough for them to do, and then we could just use those
to hold the values coming back from our rules.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stelarinc
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 6:03 AM
Subject: [rules-users] Help in using drools


I would like to use drools in my application.  However, there are a few
things that I do not quite understand and whether it can fit my
requirements.  I have tried to search through the documentation and mailing
list, but to no avail.

Here is my situation.  I am creating a web-based application which requires
me to run certain rules for certain page.  What I need is to pass all the
information accumulated from the pages and pass it through a rule engine.
Each rule will check the information and return string message(s) to the
caller.  Does drools fit in this requirements?

>From what I understand, I can create a stateful session, passing the
information to the rule engine.  But when I need to return the result, how
do I do that?  Do I pass an empty String List into the rule engine, and each
rule will add the message to the List if there is an error?

Thank you.


Leonard Soetedjo

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