I am using Drools 5. I am struggling to write rule for this logic -

If a stock price changes more than 10% within an hour then report the

I understand I have to use sliding window feature but unable to write the

For example I got an update for IBM stock @ 12:30 for price 100 and then
another update IBM stock @ 12:35 for price 111. Since the time difference is
within an hour and the change is also greater than 10% I want to report this
price change.


Stock class -


Public class Stock {

   Private String stock;

   Private double price;

   Private Date time;

   Private double priceChange;

   Private Boolean highlight;




rule "Stock Price change more than 10% within an hour"





set the priceChange attribute of Stock object

set highlight to true     




Secondly if the window is large and number of records coming in is high then
could there be a memory issue?


Also since every record is getting stored in database, can I not use the
database directly instead of sliding window?




Mr. Bhangale Bhushan
Associate Manager
Kale Consultants Ltd.
9206+608+3777&email=bhushan_bhang...@kaleconsultants.com> +91 (0)206 608
 <http://www.kaleconsultants.com> http://www.kaleconsultants.com 





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