On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Greg Barton <greg_bar...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The answer to both questions is basically the same: use the "this"
> reference.
> rule CheckValidBinNumber
> when
>   $br:BillingRecord(cardNo!=null || cardNo!="")

This part, taken from the original mail, looks suspicious to me: if
cardNo==null, the 2nd term is evaluated and throws a NPE.

   $valid: Boolean(this == false) from checkValidity($br.cardNo)
> then
>   error(BillingRecordHelper.BIN_NO_INVALID_ERROR,log);
> end
It would be interesting to learn whether a single CE

   $br : BillingRecord( cardNo : cardNo, eval( checkNotNullValid( cardNo ) )


boolean checkNotNullInvalid(Sring cardNo){
    return cardNo != null && cardNo != "" && ! checkValidity( cardNo );


    $br : BillingRecord( cardNo : cardNo !=null && !="", eval( !
checkValidity(cardNo) ) )

wouldn't be (slightly) more efficient.

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