
   Thanks for reporting. I will look into it.

   Did you open a JIRA yet? Let me know or I will do it otherwise.


2011/9/26 Swindells, Thomas <>

>  I’ve just tried upgrading from Drools 5.3.0-CR1 from the beta and I’ve
> hit a regression.****
> ** **
> JBoss seems to have been down for most of today so I haven’t been able to
> raise a Jira for it.****
> ** **
> In our model we have Facts which contain fields of java.lang.class, we then
> have a rule which checks that they aren’t null.****
> Eg****
> Fact { Class<Object> classField}****
> ** **
> Rule “xyz”****
> When****
>                 Fact(classField != null)****
> Then****
> …****
> End****
> ** **
> This is giving the following exception****
> ** **
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.drools.base.field.ObjectFieldImpl cannot be cast to
> org.drools.base.field.ClassFieldImpl****
>                 at
> org.drools.base.evaluators.EqualityEvaluatorsDefinition$ClassEqualEvaluator.evaluate(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.rule.LiteralRestriction.isAllowed(**
> **
>                 at
> org.drools.rule.LiteralConstraint.isAllowed(***
> *
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.doPropagateAssertObject(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.propagateAssertObject(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.AlphaNode.assertObject(****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.doPropagateAssertObject(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.propagateAssertObject(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode.assertObject(****
>                 at
> org.drools.reteoo.EntryPointNode.assertObject(****
>                 at
> org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(****
>                 at
> org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(****
>                 at
> org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.insert(
> ****
>                 at
> org.drools.base.DefaultKnowledgeHelper.insert(
> ****
>                 ... 149 more****
> ** **
> Wrapping the classField != null within an eval appears to be a work around.
> ****
> ** **
> This is in the suspect method:****
>         *public* *boolean* evaluate(InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory,**
> **
>                                 *final* InternalReadAccessor extractor,***
> *
>                                 *final* Object object1, *final* FieldValue
> object2) {****
>             Object value1 = extractor.getValue( workingMemory, object1 );*
> ***
>             Object value2 = object2.getValue();****
>             *if* ( value2 == *null* ) {****
>                 ClassFieldImpl classField = (ClassFieldImpl) object2;****
>                 value2 = classField.resolve( workingMemory );****
>             }****
>             *return* *comparator*.equals( value1, value2 );****
>         }****
> ** **
> I think the if statement just needs an instanceof check as well or some
> other way to track the fact that null may be a valid value to be comparing
> with!****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thomas****
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