Thanks for the warning, some old bugs appears clearer now !!!

Is it planned in a near future to only exclude the constraint and not the whole fact pattern ?
To me, it seems more accurate to do this way.

Le 19/03/2012 22:57, Michael Anstis a écrit :
This is true, but be aware that if a cell value in the Template data is empty the whole Fact Pattern is omitted.

For example:-

rule "Discount @{row.rowNumber}"
    Account( $v : @{field} != null )
    $c : Customer( @{field} == $v , accno == @{accno} )

If "field" is empty neither "Account" or "Customer" will be included in the generated DRL.

If "accno" is empty "Customer" will not be included in the generated DRL.

This may have an impact on what you want to achieve.

With kind regards,


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