Mauricio Salatino píše v Út 27. 11. 2012 v 15:11 +0000:
> Well do you want us to include the response time for your Database? 
> The Drools Rule engine will keep all your facts inside the main memory
> (RAM) so it will be fast, but if you need to retrieve data from your
> database, you will need to take that into account. Depending on how
> you are doing that and how much data do you want to bring will be the
> response times. 

Going low-level, your standard Oracle JRE / OpenJDK doesn't guarantee
response time. If it is a hard requirement to have timely responses,
you'll have to buy a real-time JRE from some commercial vendor.


Lukáš Petrovický
QE Lead, JBoss Enterprise BRMS
Phone: +420 532 294 123
irc: lpetrovi, triceo

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