We do need to make it easier to unit test things. One idea is to allow 
annotations in a unit test to declare the subset of rules in scope for testing. 
The annotation could specify a package, a rule or even 1..n qualifiers. If 
rules have qualifier annotations on them, they would be sucked in.

I think the next thing would then be to give manual control of the agenda 
cycle. So instead of calling fireAllRules() and then all rules firing, and 
checking the results. The code would allow the unit test to “step” through the 
rule firings in turn, asserting the results as it did so.

Another idea to unit test would be to disconnect a rule from the working memory 
and simply test it as a data flow. Given X as a data source, what are the 
resulting rows of data. This would allow to check the logic of the pattern 

Look forward to seeing your progress with the spring annotation idea, these 
things can often take many revision to get right. The only other thing to 
remember is that classes are static, not much we can do about that. So it would 
be harder to have incremental changes, compared to updating a kmodule.xml. But 
that may be a limitation people are happy to live with.


On 3 Mar 2014, at 09:49, Stephen Masters <stephen.mast...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for getting back to me about this. 
> Actually, when I mentioned that I was making the project public a bit 
> prematurely, the source of the knowledge base was one of the main reasons. At 
> the moment the rules are hard-coded in that class path location for a couple 
> of reasons. Firstly, I find them easier to ‘unit’ test that way. I like to 
> create a knowledge base containing only the rules under test. However the 
> main reason is that at the moment I’m just exploring what a ‘question’ could 
> look like. The intention is to switch to a mechanism whereby users are able 
> to add questions to the system at runtime. When I switch over to that, I’ll 
> be taking another look at the best ways to do it in 6.x.x.
> When it comes to annotations, it’s relatively straightforward to do what you 
> mention in Spring. I keep thinking about knocking it up myself, although at 
> the moment I’m finding that writing the @Bean methods in a @Configuration 
> class gives me the flexibility I need while I’m exploring options.
> I’m going to keep working on improving this little demo app, and I’ll let you 
> know when any significant new functionality (such as the above) is added. 
> Hopefully a few folks will find it useful. If nothing else, it can be a 
> discussion point for good/bad ways of doing things. The shortage of example 
> projects out there is a real barrier to getting started with Drools.
> Steve
>> On 2 Mar 2014, at 20:28, Mark Proctor <mproc...@codehaus.org> wrote:
>>> i’m open to allowing mixing and matching of annotations and xml 
>>> configuration. Although what’s published on the qzr sort of goes against 
>>> the grain of what we are trying to achieve - such as not specifying 
>>> individual asset files.
>>>     public KieServicesBean kieServices() throws KieBuildException {
>>>         DroolsResource[] resources = new DroolsResource[]{ 
>>>                 new DroolsResource("rules/health-quiz.drl", 
>>>                         ResourcePathType.CLASSPATH, 
>>>                         ResourceType.DRL)};
>>>         KieServicesBean bean = new DefaultKieServicesBean(resources);
>>>         return bean;
>>>     }
>>> While you can do anything from programmatic factories, and you don’t “lose” 
>>> any functionality, in it’s current form it doesn’t promote convention and 
>>> configuration approach. I really want to avoid any method code, other than 
>>> configuring say listeners. Ideally we’d be looking for something like 
>>> below, that mirrors what we have in the xml already, and avoids  authoring 
>>> any methods at all. I know I could do this in CDI, but I don’t know about 
>>> Spring. In CDI I can scan for usages of @KBaseConfig. Where I find a 
>>> @KBaseConfig I can populate the main CDI beans infrastructure, so it treats 
>>> xml configuration and annotation configuration the same.
>>> @KBaseConfig(name=“kbase1”, packages=“my.domain.fld, my.domain.fld2" )
>>> public static class kbase1Config {
>>>     @KSessionConfig(name=“ksession1”, clockType=“pseudo”) 
>>>     private KieSession kieSession1;
>>>     @KSessionConfig(name=“ksession2”, clockType=“realtime”) 
>>>     private KieSession kieSession2;
>>> }
>>> The above is the same as:
>>> <kbase name==“kbase1”,  packages=“my.domain.fld, my.domain.fld2”>
>>>     <ksession name=“ksession1” clockType=“pseudo” />
>>>     <ksession name=“ksession1” clockType=“realtime” />
>>> </kbase>
>>> Mark
>>> On 1 Mar 2014, at 23:29, Stephen Masters <stephen.mast...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> It definitely wouldn’t miss out on any Drools 6 functionality. It enables 
>>>> you to use everything that is available in 6.x because it give you direct 
>>>> access to the API.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 28 Feb 2014, at 19:41, vinodkiran <vinodki...@usa.net> wrote:
>>>>> Steve,
>>>>> Interesting approach. I am looking through your code. 
>>>>> It seems to me that using the JavaConfig approach would miss some of the
>>>>> changes introduced in Drools 6.0. 
>>>>> Look at this article by Mark, 
>>>>> http://blog.athico.com/2013/10/configuration-and-convention-based.html
>>>>> -- Vinod
>>>>> --
>>>>> View this message in context: 
>>>>> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Kie-sprind-xsd-Are-the-configuration-options-limited-compare-to-drools-spring-xsd-tp4028383p4028431.html
>>>>> Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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