On 7/7/11 7:03 AM, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Shall we specify that temporary values, when put into a data
structure, are moved, rather than copied? For non-temporary values,
this usually not what you want, so we should provide an explicit
operator to specify that we want to move those.

I was going to implement copy constructor elision for this purpose. There is a bug on this IIRC. The right thing to do is to neither move nor copy, but actually write *directly* into the slot where the temporary is going. The generated assembly code for typeck::check_expr, for example, sorely needs this optimization.

Note that this is needed for resources to be at all usable:

    auto x = my_resource();

would generate an error without some sort of copy constructor elision, because the resource would be copied into a temporary for the return value and then copied into "x", violating the noncopyability restriction.

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