On 31/10/2011 2:39 AM, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Also relevant here: log_err was originally added as a stopgap
temporary solution, with the idea being that logging eventually would
be a more primitive operation where you specified  both a log level
and a message, and there would be a macro that'd help you do this in a
more nice-looking way. We have four log levels, but are only using two
of them at the moment. Making log polymorphic has removed one reason
for making it a macro (the idea was to integrate #fmt), but proper
support for more log levels would still be nice.

I agree. log_err was a kludge and I'd prefer to un-kludge it before shipping rather than adding another keyword. Multiple log-levels is the way to go. Macro if there's something relatively easy, or just keep 'log' as compiler-supported, but extend the syntax and include a bunch of log-level numeric constant names in the prelude (err, warn, info, debug, say?)

(Tangentially, the standard prelude, if such a thing materializes,
would be the ideal spot for such a logging macro.)

Yes. Or just the constants, as above.

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