While working on the translation of the HTML parser from Java to Rust,
I noticed this does not compile in Rust 0.4:
fn main() {
  let c: u8 = 0x20;
  match c {
    ' ' => {

I can make the translator generate integer literals as the patterns
for the arms of the match. However, I think the generated Rust code
would be nicer for humans to read with char literals in the patterns.

I suggest allowing char literals when matching on an integer (or when
otherwise comparing to an integer or when assigning to an integer
variable) as long as the Unicode code point of the character
represented by the character literal is not greater than the largest
integer representable by the integer type.

(Aside: I liked the old syntax without => and with mandatory braces
around each arm better.)

Henri Sivonen
Rust-dev mailing list

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