On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Brian Anderson <bander...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Greetings, folks,
> There was some discussion about bug triage in the meeting today so I went to
> do some and was reminded of how frustrated I get by our labels: there are a
> lot of them and I usually can't find an `A-` label that matches the bug. I
> have some proposals here to remove a lot of them and add a few. Any
> objections?

Yes, please!

> Add:
> A-parser
> A-tools
> A-concurrency - replaces A-comm/A-parallel
> A-infrastructure
> Remove:
> A-classes - obsolete
> A-comm - use A-concurrency
> A-frontend - catchall - existing issues have no obvious relationship. use
> A-parser, A-syntaxext instead, A-driver instead
> A-editors - use A-tools
> A-infer - not used much - use A-typesystem
> A-kindchk - obsolete
> A-linearity - use A-typesystem
> A-liveness - use A-typesystem
> A-packaging - use A-tools
> A-parallel - use A-concurrency
> A-servo - not many issues
> A-typestate
> A-unsafe
> A-unwind
> A-versioning
> A-website - use A-infrastructure
> A-rustbot - use A-infrastructure
> A-cyclecollector
> A-github

I actually support breaking up the A-typesystem label into fewer
labels. I find myself using typesystem a lot when I want something
more specific, actually.

Sounds good otherwise.


Tim Chevalier * http://catamorphism.org/ * Often in error, never in doubt
"Too much to carry, too much to let go
Time goes fast, learning goes slow." -- Bruce Cockburn
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