On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Graydon Hoare <gray...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 11/04/2013 1:35 PM, Fredrik Håård wrote:
>> Sorry if I was unclear; I meant a general-purpose codec for handling
>> ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/** more or less. Web stuff is out
>> of scope for what I intend here (Although my 'penultimate' goal is to be
>> able to implement MIME so that email handling can be implemented).

Does email really need the ftp.unicode.org / IANA understanding of
encodings instead of the Web-compatible understanding of encodings?

> I believe we'll wind up taking a dependency either on libICU

ICU's label handling and converters aren't Encoding
Standard-compliant. For Servo, we should do the right thing straight
away and implement the Encoding Standard. Having another set of
converters seems like an opportunity for people to use the wrong (as
in Web-incompatible) thing.

Henri Sivonen
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