On 4/28/13 12:45 PM, her...@gmail.com wrote:
It is very easy to create a language that is unwieldy, but hard to
create something KISS simple that can be adopted, and that will be
praised for its cleanliness and elegance.

If the basic things are not simple, a language will be relegated to
academia, and will not be as popular as hoped.

We really need to take a look into this one, and come up with something
workable. That won't be easy considering what Patrick has mentioned.

As Daniel pointed out, it isn't so bad. I didn't realize that we already borrow on the left hand side, so you can write:

    fn main() {
        let x = ~"foo";
        if "foo" == x {

We just need to borrow on the right hand side too, so that `x == "foo"` works. I can think of ways to do it; none are particularly pretty, but I suspect we could make it work. But the situation is not so dire now.


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