On 13-04-25 09:16 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

> Are you concerned about the left-factoring needed to make the LL(1)
> grammar work? To me that's the biggest issue: the resulting grammar is
> kind of messy, and a tool that uses the LL(1) grammar is going to have a
> fun time reconstructing the first argument to method signatures (for
> example)...

Somewhat concerned. But also a bit surprised if it'd be that hard to
extract; after all many rules have a "just propagate the thing found
within it" semantic action in typical generated parsers. Eg. the
multi-layered stack of rules for binops-with-precedence.

If it's truly catastrophic for grammar users, or the docs for that m
tter, I suppose we can go with "See appendix G for the LL(1) version of
this rule -- in a grammar we also regularly test against the codebase --
or this LL(2) version here."


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