On 06/02/2013 03:44 PM, Brian Anderson wrote:
On 06/01/2013 11:49 PM, Matthieu Monrocq wrote:

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Vadim <vadi...@gmail.com <mailto:vadi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 7:47 AM, Matthieu Monrocq
    <matthieu.monr...@gmail.com <mailto:matthieu.monr...@gmail.com>>

                1. Futures use a custom free-list allocator for

        I don't see why Futures could not be allocated on the stack ?

        Since Rust is move aware and has value types, it seems to me
        this should be possible.

    Because I/O manager needs to know where that future is in order
    to fill in the result.

    Perhaps it's possible to have a stack-allocated future objects
    that consist of just a raw pointer to a block owned by the I/O
    manager. But these would need to have by-move semantics in order
    to emulate behavior of unique pointers.   I am not entirely sure
    how by-move vs by-copy is decided, but according to this
    <http://static.rust-lang.org/doc/rust.html#moved-and-copied-types> Rust
    would choose by-copy.


Actually, I was more thinking of reserving space on the stack for the return value and have to IO layer write directly into that space (akin to C++'s Return Value Optimization).

However I might be stumbling on ABI issues here, since it essentially means that the compiler transforms "Args... -> ~Future" into "Args..., &mut Future -> ()".

In some scenarios it could be an important optimization to let async results be written directly into the stack, but this requires further safety guarantees that the receiver can't move from the stack, as you say. That strikes me more as a fork/join style computation - which may be an appropriate solution here - but I wouldn't want to couple general-purpose futures to stack-discipline.

One other note. I expect Future return values to still be written `-> Future`. The allocation they require is an internal implementation detail - they don't need an extra ~.
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