On 16/07/2013 19:52, Svetoslav Neykov wrote:

On 15.07.13 23:37, Patrick Walton wrote:

>On 7/14/13 1:04 PM, Svetoslav Neykov wrote:

>> ยท"unsafe" is not a normal block and doesn't return a value, can't be

>> used as an expression. This made it impossible to wrap the unsafe casts

>> from fixed memory locations to borrowed pointers in macros. Instead I

>> had to use inline functions and assign the resulting value to a local

>> function variable.


>This should not be the case. There may be a bug in the way macros

>interact with unsafe checking. Do you have a test case by any chance?

Yes, my bad. I double checked, there is no problem using "unsafe" as an expression or wrapping it inside of a macro.

The real problem, turns out, is that the macro can't be used as an expression unless wrapped inside parentheses.

GPIOD!().MODER //doesn't compile (error: unexpected token: `.`)



Rust-dev mailing list
Yes I believe this is filed under the following ticket:

" Syntax extensions (and macros) that start a line want to be a whole statement"

(I noted on that bug that we could probably provide a better error message here.)


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