On 7/28/13 4:00 AM, Armin Ronacher wrote:

On 28/07/2013 11:13, Huon Wilson wrote:
As I understand it, this is planned[1] as part of the
move-GC-to-the-libraries proposal[2]: that is, provide some traits with
lang-items (like Eq, Add, Drop, etc.) which, for example, give library
pointers the ability to be auto-borrowed to &.
This however will be quite a complex undertaking.  To make that work the
compiler would have to perform quite a few syntax transformation (like
moving code into closures etc.).  That sounds quite a bit like opening a
new can of worms.

It's not that complicated. Most of the hard work is in placement new.

And it's not like we have a choice really: Servo is starting to grow custom smart pointers all over the place (the DOM, probably the Flow tree, all JS objects, ARC, RWARC...) Making them stay second-class forever is kind of a non-starter at this point.


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