Nice! Looking forward to this covering more modules.

Hopefully I will have time to contribute sometime soon.

FF (I assume that is how you want to be called),
Could you populate the Readme file with more information about the project?
It would get more people interested in it.


On 15 September 2013 11:34, Brian Uhrin <> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 5:50 AM, Flaper87 <> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I'm writing this email in the hope of finding some help from you.
>> I recently started this project[0] into which I'll be adding examples of
>> Rust's internal modules - starting from std and then extra - as small
>> programs that can be compiled and ran independently. As for now, there are
>> 2 examples for tasks already.
>> If any of you feels confident enough with any of Rusts modules and wants
>> to write examples - with docstrings and README explaining what's happening
>> - please, feel free to send PR.
>> I created a dir for task's examples into which I put 2 rust files -I'll
>> add more later - with contextualized examples. The first is a simple
>> example of how to use tasks and the second shows how to use nested tasks.
>> I'm planning to add another for inter tasks communications and another for
>> tasks "control" - supervised, unlinked, poisoning tasks, etc. I think this
>> structure would work well for other modules as well.
>> I'm also planning to add support for rustpkg and let it build the whole
>> thing if someone wants to do that.
>> If you have any better idea, suggestion please, share.
>> Cheers,
>> FF
>>  [0]
>> I am currently taking an independent study class at the University of
> Pittsburgh and chose Rust as the topic.  I planned to have the project
> consist of a beginners tutorial,  some non-trivial code examples, an
> overview and code examples from the servo project, and some examples of
> c/c++ memory safety issues that Rust is trying to avoid.  Right now I am
> still learning and have played in std and extra.  I will be doing a lot
> more work there and hopefully I will develop some examples that I can add
> to your project.
> Brian
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