On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Paul Stansifer

> (note that you should wrap your second RHS in `{}` in order to avoid
> hitting the following bugs: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/8012
> https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/4375)
> I had misunderstood your original question: now I see that, by "operate
> on", you meant that you wanted to run the macro parser on code that has
> already been parsed from tokens into AST.

Originally I *did* want to operate on AST, because I couldn't get macro
system to parse more than the first statement when I was writing my rules
like this:
    ( $head:stmt ; $($rest:*stmt*);+ ) => ( $head ; stmt_list!( $($rest);+
) );
Apparently interpolated statements cannot be re-parsed again?

So I figured that maybe I could let Rust parser build an AST for me, and
then tweak that.  Hence my question about syntax extensions.

However, later I'd discovered your lambda calculus
and decided to give built-in macros another go, this time using "tt" to
capture tails of statement lists.

> There isn't a mechanism to do this in the Rust macro system. However, you
> have discovered a potential workaround: capture the tokens as a token tree
> and pass them as an argument to a macro (which, after all, accepts token
> trees as arguments).

> The parse error is caused by the fact that (perhaps unintuitively), `tt`
> only matches a single token if it doesn't see a `(`, `[`, or `{`. I have
> not tested the following code (I fear it may run afoul of macro parser
> limitations), but this may work:

Is tt specifier documented somewhere?   I am guessing it stands for "token
tree", but what is a token tree?   How is it different from AST?

>  macro_rules! stmt_list(
>     ( while $cond:expr { $($body:tt)+ } ) =>
>         ( while $cond { stmt_list!( $($body)+ ) } );
>     ( $head:stmt ; $($rest:tt)+ ) =>
>         ( $head ; stmt_list!( $($rest)+ ) );
>     ( $head:stmt ) =>
>         ( $head );
> )
That doesn't seem to work :-(

stmt_list! { let mut x = 0 ; while x < 10 { let y = x + 1 ; x = y } }
parse.rs:17:11: 17:15 error: unexpected token: `an interpolated statement`
parse.rs:17         ( $head ; stmt_list!( $($rest)+ ) );

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