>> If I need to embed both ''' and """ in a string, I'm out of luck.
> The chance of that is as remote as can be. I've never seen or heard of
> it happen. And mind, the issue must happen *in a rawstring* which is
> even more unlikely.

You should note that, as soon as you include something in the language
itself, that creates meaningful strings (programs in the language)
that include the token, which are not likely, at some point, to need
to be written as a multiline string in the language itself.

(As a related example, as someone writing JavaScript-analyzing code in
JavaScript, I've had several bugs caused by the fact that the
nonsense, no-one-is-ever-going-to-use-this word __proto__ has a very
hard to suppress special meaning, and you *are* going to use it when
analyzing the elements in another JavaScript program.)
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