On 11/20/13 10:23 AM, David Piepgrass wrote:

I'm wondering something. Have the Rust developers considered the possibility of using references 
instead of pointers? It seems to me that this would eliminate a lot of the need for 
"autoderef". Now I'm not well-equipped to talk about Rust (some of the rules I am totally 
ignorant about, e.g. I know rust has a "ref" keyword but the tutorial  does not mention 
it) so let me talk about C++ instead.

C++, of course, has references, which are exactly like pointers except they are 
always implicitly dereferenced:

int y = 123;
int* x1 = &y; // *x1 == y &&  x1 == &y
int& x2 = y;  //  x2 == y && &x2 == &y

In fact, with one small tweak, C++ could have entirely eliminated the need for 
pointers (except array pointers), and references could have been used for 
everything except arrays. The reason references cannot replace pointers is that the 
pointer--the true identity of a reference--is immutable. But that's easily fixable 
though, by defining &x2 as an lvalue:

x1 = &z;
&x2 = &z; // Aha! We've changed the pointer inside the reference

If the second line were legal, then references could do everything that pointers could do; in that case I think that, for 
consistency, people would have eventually standardized on using references for everything that doesn't require pointer arithmetic 
(i.e. arrays). Instead we have this situation where some functions take (non-const) T& and others take T*, so sometimes you 
have to call functions with "&foo" and other times it's just "foo", and the presence or absence of 
"&" doesn't signify anything important (for example, it doesn't tell you whether the callee mutates "foo" 
or not)

This is orthogonal, and I don't want to make that change. I like the explicitness of pointers.

It seems to me that the majority of languages have recognized that references are easier to work with 
than pointers, and not just because you can write "foo.f()" instead of 
"foo->f()". That is, I don't think auto-deref (where foo.f() means (*foo).f()) is enough 
to eliminate the pain of working with pointers instead of references.

This is because in most languages all object types are reference types and they rely on a GC, following Lisp.

Would it help to define ~T, &T and @T as reference types rather than pointer 
types? I'm sure there are some obvious objections, but perhaps the problems could 
be ironed out by someone with a better grasp of Rust.

Doesn't work with custom smart pointers.

I'd also like to comment on the removal of "move". While I recognize explicit moves everywhere might be 
inconvenient, I have noticed that newbies on the list (including myself) are often confused by them. Would a compromise 
be in order, in which moves are implicit except when passing parameters to methods? I like Bill Byers' suggestion for 
call-site parameters of the form "move x", "mut x" and just "x" for implicit copy / 
borrow. Patrick mentioned the annoyance of writing

  let move x = move foo(move y);


  let x = foo(move y);

doesn't sound so onerous, and it says something important about foo() that 
someone reading the code might not realize.

-1. It'd be inconsistent to require it only in parameter position.

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