On 04/12/13 20:51, Michael Woerister wrote:
I've implemented a persistent HAMT [1] a while back:

It's the data structure used for persistent maps in Clojure (and Scala, I think). It's not too hard to implement and it's pretty nifty. I'm not sure about the performance with atomic reference counting being used for memory management. It will definitely be worse than with a stop-the-world garbage collector. Although, it's noteworthy that look ups in the data structure only have to copy one `Arc` for returning the result, so the high fan-out of the data structure should not hurt if you mostly read from it. I'd be very interested in a performance comparison to other persistent map implementations in Rust (e.g. a red-black tree or splay tree).

Here are some things I came across during implementing this:
* I too discovered that I couldn't parametrize on the type of reference being used without higher kinded types. I did the implementation with regular @ pointers at first and later switched to `Arc`, since concurrent contexts are where persistent data structures really shine. Switching the implementation from @ to Arc was pretty straight forward. * I found there is no standardized trait for persistent maps in libstd or libextra. It would be nice to have one! * It's probably a very good idea to provide a non-persistent "builder" that avoids the excessive copying during the insertion phase. In Clojure one can switch between "transient" and persistent mode for a data structure instance which also allows for optimized batch modifications. An `insert_from(iterator)` method might also do the trick. There's quite a bit of design space here.

For reference, the FromIterator & Extendable traits are the things to implement if one has a structure that can be constructed from/extended with an iterator and wishes to share the behaviour.



* I would have liked to avoid some allocations and pointer chasing by using fixed size vectors directly within nodes but I could not get that to work without a lot of unsafe code that I was not sure would be correct in all cases. So I just used owned vectors in the end.

Looking forward to seeing more in this area :)


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_array_mapped_trie

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