
From reading the article, I thought the point was that a universal server could be deployed and initiated before the actual service it would offer had actually been *written*.

I agree with Kevin that the exercise would be pretty much pointless for Rust, unless you enjoy writing interpreters and/or JIT compilers and want to implement one for Rust. (I know we had rusti at one point, keep reading...)

In particular, I assume this works in Erlang because Erlang programs are compiled to an interpreted bytecode representation (for an abstract BEAM machine) that can then be JIT compiled for the target architecture when it is run.

But Rust does not not have an architecture independent target code representation; I do not think LLVM bitcode counts, at least not the kind we generate, since I believe that has assumptions about the target architecture baked into the generated code.


On 18/12/2013 19:17, Kevin Ballard wrote:
That's cute, but I don't really understand the point. The sample program he gave:

test() ->
    Pid = spawn(fun universal_server/0),
    Pid ! {become, fun factorial_server/0},
    Pid ! {self(), 50},
        X -> X

will behave identically if you remove universal_server from the equation:

test() ->
    Pid = spawn(fun factorial_server/0),
    Pid ! {self(), 50},
        X -> X

The whole point of universal_server, AFAICT, is to just demonstrate something clever about Erlang's task communication primitives. The equivalent in Rust would require passing channels back and forth, because factorial_server needs to receive different data than universal_server. The only alternative that I can think of would be to have a channel of ~Any+Send objects, which isn't very nice.

To that end, I don't see the benefit of trying to reproduce the same functionality in Rust, because it's just not a good fit for Rust's task communication primitives.


On Dec 18, 2013, at 6:26 AM, Benjamin Striegel < <>> wrote:

Hello rusties, I was reading a blog post by Joe Armstrong recently in which he shows off his favorite tiny Erlang program, called the Universal Server:

I know that Rust doesn't have quite the same task communication primitives as Erlang, but I'd be interested to see what the Rust equivalent of this program would look like if anyone's up to the task of translating it.
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