I think the real answer is "at this point nobody wants to tweak basic Rust
syntax yet again".   See the other thread about Rust roadmap, etc.  Oh

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Martin Olsson <mar...@minimum.se> wrote:

> Short version of my question:
> Why doesn't rust require "mut" param prefix at call sites? i.e. to avoid
> "non-const ref badness" that C++ has?
> Longer version of my question:
> Since this question was asked recently by vadim and not really answered
> clearly (imo), I'm also including this longer verbose version of my
> question.
> For example in C the call "f(a,&b);" might modify "b" but not "a" so the
> "&" token acts as a "call site heads-up flag" when reading the code. In C#
> the "out/ref" keywords are mandatory at the call site if the callee uses
> them in its param declaration so there you also get a little in hint when
> reading the code near the call site. C++ of course has non-const references
> so "f(a,&b);" might modify both "a" and "b" so the hint is missing and I
> really have to look up the code for "f()" to be sure. If some function
> foo() passes "a" to a bunch of functions then I have to find each such
> function and check if "a" can be modified or not, so potentially I have to
> open a bunch of files and read code there before I can fully understand the
> code near the call sites.
> Because of this many large C++ projects have coding styles that disallow
> non-const refs. See for example the google C++ coding style guide:
> http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml?showone=
> Reference_Arguments#Reference_Arguments
> Right now, it seems that rust works similar to C++ in this regard, meaning
> that there is no hint at the call site that a parameter may or may not be
> modified by the function.
> In the snippet below, if I'm reading foo() in main.rs and I wonder which
> lines in foo() could possibly change the value of "i", then I have to open
> up 4 additional files and find the relevant source locations to double
> check which functions might mutate their arguments.
> Why isn't it a good idea to require some parameter prefix like "mut" at
> the call site so that when I read main.rs I immediately will know which
> lines among the calls to funcA()..funcD() that might change the value of
> "i" ?
> // ---[ funcA.rs ]-----------------------
> fn funcA(i: &int) -> int{
>     return 2**i;
> }
> // ---[ funcB.rs ]-----------------------
> fn funcB(i: &mut int) -> int {
>     *i += 1;
>     return 0;
> }
> // ---[ funcC.rs ]-----------------------
> fn funcC(i: &int) -> int {
>     return 3**i;
> }
> // ---[ funcD.rs ]-----------------------
> fn funcD(i: &int) -> int{
>     return 2**i;
> }
> // ---[ main.rs ]-----------------------
> fn foo(i: &mut int) {
>     *i += 1;
>     funcA(i);
>     funcB(i); // no mut!
>     funcC(i);
>     funcD(i);
> }
> fn main() {
>     let mut i: int = 0;
>     foo(&mut i);
>     println!("{}", i);
> }
>                 Martin
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