The Zen of Python also says "There should be one-- and preferably only one
--obvious way to do it."

Steven Fackler

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Donaldo Fastoso <> wrote:

> I like python's rational of "consenting adults": Give people the tools
> to do the right thing, if they still want to hurt themselves, they may
> have a good reason, or they are better of dead! ;-)
> I would argue, that people choosing Rust over C/C++ are choosing it
> BECAUSE of safety measures like immutability and wouldn't need
> overbearing lectures.
> In all honesty it's not the TYPING of three additional chars "let mut",
> but the READING. It interrupts the flow of reading, or better: it's
> a bump in the flow of scanning. Source-Code is not prosa, you have to
> actively follow the train of thought and guess the intentions of the
> author. So improving READABILITY would really be nice, especially
> for people coming from other languages. They would probably try to
> learn by reading the source from experienced programmers.
> In this case i would also advice against the use of "var", instead
> of "let mut", but omitting "let" and leave it to "mut" would be much
> easier to read and understand.
> so
> "let mut x, y;"
> would become:
> "mut x;"
> "let y;"
> which would take a possible interpretation-ambiguity away from the
> single "let mut x, y", which can be read either as "let mut" for x
> and y, or "let mut x" and "let y"!
> So imho "let mut" has at least two pitfalls:
>         1) read-bump
>         2) ambiguity.
> AFAIK you did a remarkable good job so far, and i have all the faith
> you are considering all arguments before coming to a decision.
> Even if some thoughts of the thoughts come form the bad smelling
> "lurker"-fraction, which do nothing but making comments about things they
> possible can't understand! ;-)
> Regards,
> Don
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