Hey all,

As you are probably aware, we use LLVM for code generation and
optimization. It is a large project, and one of its cooler features is
the variety of "sanitizers" it provides
These are not clang-specific, but indeed can be used with Rust!

For example, to use AddressSanitizer (asan) on my system, I do:

    rustc --passes asan,asan-module --link-args
"/usr/bin/../lib/clang/3.4/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.a" foo.rs

I got the path to the necessary asan library by looking at "clang -v
-fsanitize=address foo.c"

For example, the following program:

use std::libc::{free,malloc};

fn main() {
    unsafe { let p = malloc(42); free(p); free(p); }

Outputs https://gist.github.com/cmr/8800111

Similarly, you can use ThreadSanitizer (tsan) by using `--passes tsan`
and replacing asan with tsan in the link-args. Also useful is msan
(for detecting uninitialized reads) and tsan (for detecting data
races). One caveat is that although LLVM will happily run all of the
sanitizer passes for you, you can actually only use one at a time (you
will see this when you try to link the multiple *san libraries

Now, these aren't going to be as useful in Rust given its focus on
safety, but they can still be useful when debugging unsafe code,
writing bindings, etc. Any time valgrind would be useful, often one of
the sanitizers can be used with less overhead.

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