Hello, I am trying to get over a hurdle I've been stuck on for a while. I
can't seem to figure out how to get the 'use' statements to work.

I've created the smallest possible examples I could to demonstrate the
problem I am having.

The first commit shows my first attempt to 'use' a rust module. With this
commit I am not using a mod.rs file:

Here is the output I get from the compiler for this basic program:

My second attempt at getting this basic example to work involves adding a
mod.rs file inside the submodule directory.

I get the same error that I linked in the gist above. So what gives, what
fundamental assumption am I getting wrong? The compiler is telling me to
try adding an extern mod statement, but I don't think that is what I want.
The files I want to use are in no way external to this package, unless that
is a cause of my confusion?

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