This looks very cool.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:31:19AM -0500, Erick Tryzelaar wrote:
> I'm happy to announce that Rust's new hashing framework has landed in:
> This PR has has changed how to declare a type is hashable. Here's a full
> example on how to hash a value using either the new `#[deriving(Hash)]` or
> manual implementation.
> ```
> use std::hash::{Hash, hash};
> use std::hash::sip::SipState;
> #[deriving(Hash)]
> struct Foo {
>     a: ~str,
>     b: uint,
>     c: bool,
> }
> struct Bar {
>     a: ~str,
>     b: uint,
>     c: bool,
> }
> impl Hash for Bar {
>     fn hash(&self, state: &mut SipState) {
>         self.a.hash(state);
>         self.b.hash(state);
>         self.c.hash(state);
>     }
> }
> fn main() {
>     let foo = Foo { a: ~"hello world", b: 5, c: true };
>     println!("{}", hash(&foo));
>     let bar = Bar { a: ~"hello world", b: 5, c: true };
>     println!("{}", hash(&bar));
> }
> ```
> We also have experimental support for hashers that compute a value off a
> stream of bytes:
> ```
> use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
> use std::io::IoResult;
> #[deriving(Hash)] // automatically provides hashing from a stream of bytes
> struct Foo {
>     a: ~str,
>     b: uint,
>     c: bool,
> }
> struct Bar {
>     a: ~str,
>     b: uint,
>     c: bool,
> }
> #[allow(default_type_param_usage)]
> impl<S: Writer> Hash<S> for Bar {
>     fn hash(&self, state: &mut S) {
>         self.a.hash(state);
>         self.b.hash(state);
>         self.c.hash(state);
>     }
> }
> struct SumState {
>     sum: u64,
> }
> impl Writer for SumState {
>     fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> IoResult<()> {
>         for byte in bytes.iter() {
>             self.sum += *byte as u64;
>         }
>         Ok(())
>     }
> }
> struct SumHasher;
> #[allow(default_type_param_usage)]
> impl Hasher<SumState> for SumHasher {
>     fn hash<T: Hash<SumState>>(&self, value: &T) -> u64 {
>         let mut state = SumState { sum: 0 };
>         value.hash(&mut state);
>         state.sum
>     }
> }
> fn main() {
>     let hasher = SumHasher;
>     let foo = Foo { a: ~"hello world", b: 5, c: true };
>     println!("{}", hasher.hash(&foo));
>     let bar = Bar { a: ~"hello world", b: 5, c: true };
>     println!("{}", hasher.hash(&bar));
> }
> ```
> Finally, we also support completely custom hash computation:
> ```
> use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
> struct Foo {
>     hash: u64
> }
> #[allow(default_type_param_usage)]
> impl Hash<u64> for Foo {
>     fn hash(&self, state: &mut u64) {
>         *state = self.hash
>     }
> }
> struct CustomHasher;
> #[allow(default_type_param_usage)]
> impl Hasher<u64> for CustomHasher {
>     fn hash<T: Hash<u64>>(&self, value: &T) -> u64 {
>         let mut state = 0;
>         value.hash(&mut state);
>         state
>     }
> }
> fn main() {
>     let hasher = CustomHasher;
>     let foo = Foo { hash: 5 };
>     println!("{}", hasher.hash(&foo));
> }
> ```
> This may break over the next couple days/weeks as we figure out the right
> way to do this. Furthermore, HashMaps have not yet been updated to take
> advantage of the custom hashers, but that should be coming later on this
> week.
> I hope they work well for all of you. If you run into any trouble, please
> file bugs and cc @erickt on the ticket.
> Thanks,
> Erick

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