Hello Rusties!

I'm pleased to announce two meetups in March. The first is our more
classical presentation and mingling meetup on March 13th at 7pm at SF
Mozilla. We've got some great speakers lined up:

• Julia Evans: Building an Operating System in Rust

• James Miller (remotely): The  region and borrowing system.

And possibly two more that I need to confirm. You can register with this


Food will be provided by Mozilla (thanks!) and we will have a Air Mozilla
live stream for those who cannot make it.

Secon, we are having a documentation hackathon where a bunch of us will be
getting together on Sunday, March 16th at 12pm at SF Mozilla for a couple
hours to flesh out our  documentation.

We would appreciate any help you could provide. There will be lunch and
we'll try to set something up so people can participate remotely.

Thanks! I hope you can make it.

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