I must admit I really like the *regularity* this brings to Rust. There is
nothing more difficult to reason about that an irregular (even if
reasonable) interface simply because one must keep all the rules in mind at
any time (oh and sorry, there is a special condition described at page 364
that applies to this precise usecase even though the specs sounds like it's
a universal rule).

Certainly, the annotation could be a burden, but #[deriving(Data)] is
extremely terse and brings in almost anything a user could need for its
type in one shot.

Finally, I believe the public API stability this brings is very necessary.
Too often incidental properties are relied upon and broken during updates
with the author not realizing it; when it's explicit, at least the library
author makes a conscious choice.

Maybe one way of preventing completely un-annotated pieces of data would be
a lint that just checks that at least one property (Send, Freeze, ...) or a
special annotation denoting their absence has been selected for each
public-facing type. By having a #[deriving(...)] "mandatory", it makes it
easier for the lint pass to flag un-marked types without even having to
reason whether or not the type would qualify.

-- Matthieu

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Niko Matsakis <n...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> From <
> http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2014/02/28/rust-rfc-opt-in-builtin-traits/
> >:
> ## Rust RFC: opt-in builtin traits
> In today's Rust, there are a number of builtin traits (sometimes
> called "kinds"): `Send`, `Freeze`, `Share`, and `Pod` (in the future,
> perhaps `Sized`). These are expressed as traits, but they are quite
> unlike other traits in certain ways. One way is that they do not have
> any methods; instead, implementing a trait like `Freeze` indicates
> that the type has certain properties (defined below). The biggest
> difference, though, is that these traits are not implemented manually
> by users. Instead, the compiler decides automatically whether or not a
> type implements them based on the contents of the type.
> In this proposal, I argue to change this system and instead have users
> manually implement the builtin traits for new types that they define.
> Naturally there would be `#[deriving]` options as well for
> convenience. The compiler's rules (e.g., that a sendable value cannot
> reach a non-sendable value) would still be enforced, but at the point
> where a builtin trait is explicitly implemented, rather than being
> automatically deduced.
> There are a couple of reasons to make this change:
> 1. **Consistency.** All other traits are opt-in, including very common
>    traits like `Eq` and `Clone`. It is somewhat surprising that the
>    builtin traits act differently.
> 2. **API Stability.** The builtin traits that are implemented by a
>    type are really part of its public API, but unlike other similar
>    things they are not declared. This means that seemingly innocent
>    changes to the definition of a type can easily break downstream
>    users. For example, imagine a type that changes from POD to non-POD
>    -- suddenly, all references to instances of that type go from
>    copies to moves. Similarly, a type that goes from sendable to
>    non-sendable can no longer be used as a message.  By opting in to
>    being POD (or sendable, etc), library authors make explicit what
>    properties they expect to maintain, and which they do not.
> 3. **Pedagogy.** Many users find the distinction between pod types
>    (which copy) and linear types (which move) to be surprising. Making
>    pod-ness opt-in would help to ease this confusion.
> 4. **Safety and correctness.** In the presence of unsafe code,
>    compiler inference is unsound, and it is unfortunate that users
>    must remember to "opt out" from inapplicable kinds. There are also
>    concerns about future compatibility. Even in safe code, it can also
>    be useful to impose additional usage constriants beyond those
>    strictly required for type soundness.
> I will first cover the existing builtin traits and define what they
> are used for. I will then explain each of the above reasons in more
> detail.  Finally, I'll give some syntax examples.
> <!-- more -->
> #### The builtin traits
> We currently define the following builtin traits:
> - `Send` -- a type that deeply owns all its contents.
>   (Examples: `int`, `~int`, not `&int`)
> - `Freeze` -- a type which is deeply immutable when accessed via an
>   `&T` reference.
>   (Examples: `int`, `~int`, `&int`, `&mut int`, not `Cell<int>` or
>    `Atomic<int>`)
> - `Pod` -- "plain old data" which can be safely copied via memcpy.
>   (Examples: `int`, `&int`, not `~int` or `&mut int`)
> We are in the process of adding an additional trait:
> - `Share` -- a type which is threadsafe when accessed via an `&T`
>   reference. (Examples: `int`, `~int`, `&int`, `&mut int`,
>   `Atomic<int>`, not `Cell<int>`)
> #### Proposed syntax
> Under this proposal, for a struct or enum to be considered send,
> freeze, pod, etc, those traits must be explicitly implemented:
>     struct Foo { ... }
>     impl Send for Foo { }
>     impl Freeze for Foo { }
>     impl Pod for Foo { }
>     impl Share for Foo { }
> For generic types, a conditional impl would be more appropriate:
>     enum Option<T> { Some(T), None }
>     impl<T:Send> Send for Option<T> { }
>     // etc
> As usual, deriving forms would be available that would expand into
> impls like the one shown above.
> Whenever a builtin trait is implemented, the compiler will enforce the
> same requirements it enforces today. Therefore, code like the
> following would yield an error:
>     struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int }
>     // ERROR: Cannot implement `Send` because the field `x` has type
>     // `&'a int` which is not sendable.
>     impl<'a> Send for Foo<'a> { }
> These impls would follow the usual coherence requirements. For
> example, a struct can only be declared as `Share` within the crate
> where it is defined.
> For convenience, I also propose a deriving shorthand
> `#[deriving(Data)]` that would implement a "package" of common traits
> for types that contain simple data: `Eq`, `Ord`, `Clone`, `Show`,
> `Send`, `Share`, `Freeze`, and `Pod`.
> #### Pod and linearity
> One of the most important aspects of this proposal is that the `Pod`
> trait would be something that one "opts in" to. This means that
> structs and enums would *move by default* unless their type is
> explicitly declared to be `Pod`. So, for example, the following
> code would be in error:
>     struct Point { x: int, y: int }
>     ...
>     let p = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
>     let q = p;  // moves p
>     print(p.x); // ERROR
> To allow that example, one would have to impl `Pod` for `Point`:
>     struct Point { x: int, y: int }
>     impl Pod for Point { }
>     ...
>     let p = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
>     let q = p;  // copies p, because Point is Pod
>     print(p.x); // OK
> Effectively this change introduces a three step ladder for types:
> 1. If you do nothing, your type is *linear*, meaning that it moves
>    from place to place and can never be copied in any way. (We need a
>    better name for that.)
> 2. If you implement `Clone`, your type is *cloneable*, meaning that it
>    moves from place to place, but it can be explicitly cloned. This is
>    suitable for cases where copying is expensive.
> 3. If you implement `Pod`, your type is *plain old data*, meaning that
>    it is just copied by default without the need for an explicit
>    clone.  This is suitable for small bits of data like ints or
>    points.
> What is nice about this change is that when a type is defined, the
> user makes an *explicit choice* between these three options.
> #### Consistency
> This change would bring the builtin traits more in line with other
> common traits, such as `Eq` and `Clone`. On a historical note, this
> proposal continues a trend, in that both of those operations used to
> be natively implemented by the compiler as well.
> #### API Stability
> The set of builtin traits implemented by a type must be considered
> part of its public inferface. At present, though, it's quite invisible
> and not under user control. If a type is changed from `Pod` to
> non-pod, or `Send` to non-send, no error message will result until
> client code attempts to use an instance of that type. In general we
> have tried to avoid this sort of situation, and instead have each
> declaration contain enough information to check it indepenently of its
> uses. Issue #12202 describes this same concern, specifically with
> respect to stability attributes.
> Making opt-in explicit effectively solves this problem. It is clearly
> written out which traits a type is expected to fulfill, and if the
> type is changed in such a way as to violate one of these traits, an
> error will be reported at the `impl` site (or `#[deriving]`
> declaration).
> #### Pedagogy
> When users first start with Rust, ownership and ownership transfer is
> one of the first things that they must learn. This is made more
> confusing by the fact that types are automatically divided into pod
> and non-pod without any sort of declaration. It is not necessarily
> obvious why a `T` and `~T` value, which are *semantically equivalent*,
> behave so differently by default. Makes the pod category something you
> opt into means that types will all be linear by default, which can
> make teaching and leaning easier.
> #### Safety and correctness: unsafe code
> For safe code, the compiler's rules for deciding whether or not a type
> is sendable (and so forth) are perfectly sound. However, when unsafe
> code is involved, the compiler may draw the wrong conclusion. For such
> cases, types must *opt out* of the builtin traits.
> In general, the *opt out* approach seems to be hard to reason about:
> many people (including myself) find it easier to think about what
> properties a type *has* than what properties it *does not* have,
> though clearly the two are logically equivalent in this binary world
> we programmer's inhabit.
> More concretely, opt out is dangerous because it means that types with
> unsafe methods are generally *wrong by default*. As an example,
> consider the definition of the `Cell` type:
>     struct Cell<T> {
>         priv value: T
>     }
> This is a perfectly ordinary struct, and hence the compiler would
> conclude that cells are freezable (if `T` is freezable) and so forth.
> However, the *methods* attached to `Cell` use unsafe magic to mutate
> `value`, even when the `Cell` is aliased:
>     impl<T:Pod> Cell<T> {
>         pub fn set(&self, value: T) {
>             unsafe {
>                 *cast::transmute_mut(&self.value) = value
>             }
>         }
>     }
> To accommodate this, we currently use *marker types* -- special types
> known to the compiler which are considered nonpod and so forth. Therefore,
> the full definition of `Cell` is in fact:
>     pub struct Cell<T> {
>         priv value: T,
>         priv marker1: marker::InvariantType<T>,
>         priv marker2: marker::NoFreeze,
>     }
> Note the two markers. The first, `marker1`, is a hint to the variance
> engine indicating that the type `Cell` must be
> [invariant with respect to its type argument][inv]. The second,
> `marker2`, indicates that `Cell` is non-freeze. This then informs the
> compiler that the referent of a `&Cell<T>` can't be considered
> immutable. The problem here is that, if you don't know to opt-out,
> you'll wind up with a type definition that is unsafe.
> This argument is rather weakened by the continued necessity of a
> `marker::InvariantType` marker. This could be read as an argument
> towards explicit variance. However, I think that in this particular
> case, the better solution is to introduce the `Mut<T>` type described
> in #12577 -- the `Mut<T>` type would give us the invariance.
> Using `Mut<T>` brings us back to a world where any type that uses
> `Mut<T>` to obtain interior mutability is correct by default, at least
> with respect to the builtin kinds. Types like `Atomic<T>` and
> `Volatile<T>`, which guarantee data race freedom, would therefore have
> to *opt in* to the `Share` kind, and types like `Cell<T>` would simply
> do nothing.
> #### Safety and correctness: future compatibility
> Another concern about having the compiler automatically infer
> membership into builtin bounds is that we may find cause to add new
> bounds in the future. In that case, existing Rust code which uses
> unsafe methods might be inferred incorrectly, because it would not
> know to opt out of those future bounds. Therefore, any future bounds
> will *have* to be opt out anyway, so perhaps it is best to be
> consistent from the start.
> #### Safety and correctness: semantic constraints
> Even if type safety is maintained, some types ought not to be copied
> for semantic reasons. An example from the compiler is the
> `Datum<Rvalue>` type, which is used in code generation to represent
> the computed result of an rvalue expression. At present, the type
> `Rvalue` implements a (empty) destructor -- the sole purpose of this
> destructor is to ensure that datums are not consumed more than once,
> because this would likely correspond to a code gen bug, as it would
> mean that the result of the expression evaluation is consumed more
> than once. Another example might be a newtype'd integer used for
> indexing into a thread-local array: such a value ought not to be
> sendable. And so forth. Using marker types for these kinds of
> situations, or empty destructors, is very awkward. Under this
> proposal, users needs merely refrain from implementing the relevant
> traits.
> #### The `Sized` bound
> In DST, we plan to add a `Sized` bound. I do not feel like users
> should manually implemented `Sized`. It seems tedious and rather
> ludicrous.
> #### Counterarguments
> The downsides of this proposal are:
> - There is some annotation burden. I had intended to gather statistics
>   to try and measure this but have not had the time.
> - If a library forgets to implement all the relevant traits for a
>   type, there is little recourse for users of that library beyond pull
>   requests to the original repository. This is already true with
>   traits like `Eq` and `Ord`. However, as SiegeLord noted on IRC, that
>   you can often work around the absence of `Eq` with a newtype
>   wrapper, but this is not true if a type fails to implement `Send` or
>   `Pod`. This danger (forgetting to implement traits) is essentially
>   the counterbalance to the "forward compatbility" case made above:
>   where implementing traits by default means types may implement too
>   much, forcing explicit opt in means types may implement too little.
>   One way to mitigate this problem would be to have a lint for when an
>   impl of some kind (etc) would be legal, but isn't implemented, at
>   least for publicly exported types in library crates.
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