(My idea for the lint was `#[allow_kind(Name)]`
, which someone on IRC remarked as "opt-out opt-in builtin traits"

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:36 PM, Gábor Lehel <glaebho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this is a really great idea.
> There's another potential compromise that would preserve most of its
> benefits, and reduce the annotation burden:
> There was another proposal earlier, driven by similar motivations, that
> structs with private fields should be non-`Pod`. Combining the two ideas, we
> could say that the built-in traits would be derived automatically for types
> with fully-public interiors, and would have to be declared or derived
> manually if any field is private. This would still accomplish what I think
> is the most important thing, which is to preserve abstraction boundaries:
> clients of a thing (type, module, package) should be insulated against
> changes to its private implementation. Relying on public information is, in
> this respect, however, fair game.
> The truly troublesome aspects of the current regime are, I believe, all
> consequences of the violation of abstraction boundaries. Types like `Cell`
> rely on these boundaries to ensure their safety, but under the current
> system, information about their private implementation leaks out. The OP and
> the above modification to it would both steer clear of this problem.
> I think the main tradeoffs between the two would be around simpler rules vs.
> fewer annotations, and the principle of least astonishment. This here idea
> is more complicated, because it has different rules for fully-public and
> abstract datatypes, and also (as currently) has different rules for built-in
> and user-defined traits. In exchange you only have to state your intentions
> explicitly if you have something to hide. The PoLA is harder to evaluate.
> Returning to the canonical example, if I write `struct Point { x: int, y:
> int }`, I think I'd be surprised if it weren't copyable. On the other hand,
> perhaps the afore-mentioned inconsistencies would also be surprising. So I
> dunno.
>> This argument is rather weakened by the continued necessity of a
> `marker::InvariantType` marker. This could be read as an argument
> towards explicit variance. However, I think that in this particular
> case, the better solution is to introduce the `Mut<T>` type described
> in #12577 -- the `Mut<T>` type would give us the invariance.
> I don't see the difference here. Why do you think this should be handled
> differently? This is the same sort of abstraction boundary violation as the
> others: information about private fields is leaking out into the public
> interface via variance inference.
> Under the above scheme we could say that type parameters default to
> invariant for types with private fields, and are inferred for fully-public
> types. (How you would/could explicitly declare variance is another question,
> but kind of orthogonal to the idea that you /should/.)
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Niko Matsakis <n...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> From
>> <http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2014/02/28/rust-rfc-opt-in-builtin-traits/>:
>> ## Rust RFC: opt-in builtin traits
>> In today's Rust, there are a number of builtin traits (sometimes
>> called "kinds"): `Send`, `Freeze`, `Share`, and `Pod` (in the future,
>> perhaps `Sized`). These are expressed as traits, but they are quite
>> unlike other traits in certain ways. One way is that they do not have
>> any methods; instead, implementing a trait like `Freeze` indicates
>> that the type has certain properties (defined below). The biggest
>> difference, though, is that these traits are not implemented manually
>> by users. Instead, the compiler decides automatically whether or not a
>> type implements them based on the contents of the type.
>> In this proposal, I argue to change this system and instead have users
>> manually implement the builtin traits for new types that they define.
>> Naturally there would be `#[deriving]` options as well for
>> convenience. The compiler's rules (e.g., that a sendable value cannot
>> reach a non-sendable value) would still be enforced, but at the point
>> where a builtin trait is explicitly implemented, rather than being
>> automatically deduced.
>> There are a couple of reasons to make this change:
>> 1. **Consistency.** All other traits are opt-in, including very common
>>    traits like `Eq` and `Clone`. It is somewhat surprising that the
>>    builtin traits act differently.
>> 2. **API Stability.** The builtin traits that are implemented by a
>>    type are really part of its public API, but unlike other similar
>>    things they are not declared. This means that seemingly innocent
>>    changes to the definition of a type can easily break downstream
>>    users. For example, imagine a type that changes from POD to non-POD
>>    -- suddenly, all references to instances of that type go from
>>    copies to moves. Similarly, a type that goes from sendable to
>>    non-sendable can no longer be used as a message.  By opting in to
>>    being POD (or sendable, etc), library authors make explicit what
>>    properties they expect to maintain, and which they do not.
>> 3. **Pedagogy.** Many users find the distinction between pod types
>>    (which copy) and linear types (which move) to be surprising. Making
>>    pod-ness opt-in would help to ease this confusion.
>> 4. **Safety and correctness.** In the presence of unsafe code,
>>    compiler inference is unsound, and it is unfortunate that users
>>    must remember to "opt out" from inapplicable kinds. There are also
>>    concerns about future compatibility. Even in safe code, it can also
>>    be useful to impose additional usage constriants beyond those
>>    strictly required for type soundness.
>> I will first cover the existing builtin traits and define what they
>> are used for. I will then explain each of the above reasons in more
>> detail.  Finally, I'll give some syntax examples.
>> <!-- more -->
>> #### The builtin traits
>> We currently define the following builtin traits:
>> - `Send` -- a type that deeply owns all its contents.
>>   (Examples: `int`, `~int`, not `&int`)
>> - `Freeze` -- a type which is deeply immutable when accessed via an
>>   `&T` reference.
>>   (Examples: `int`, `~int`, `&int`, `&mut int`, not `Cell<int>` or
>>    `Atomic<int>`)
>> - `Pod` -- "plain old data" which can be safely copied via memcpy.
>>   (Examples: `int`, `&int`, not `~int` or `&mut int`)
>> We are in the process of adding an additional trait:
>> - `Share` -- a type which is threadsafe when accessed via an `&T`
>>   reference. (Examples: `int`, `~int`, `&int`, `&mut int`,
>>   `Atomic<int>`, not `Cell<int>`)
>> #### Proposed syntax
>> Under this proposal, for a struct or enum to be considered send,
>> freeze, pod, etc, those traits must be explicitly implemented:
>>     struct Foo { ... }
>>     impl Send for Foo { }
>>     impl Freeze for Foo { }
>>     impl Pod for Foo { }
>>     impl Share for Foo { }
>> For generic types, a conditional impl would be more appropriate:
>>     enum Option<T> { Some(T), None }
>>     impl<T:Send> Send for Option<T> { }
>>     // etc
>> As usual, deriving forms would be available that would expand into
>> impls like the one shown above.
>> Whenever a builtin trait is implemented, the compiler will enforce the
>> same requirements it enforces today. Therefore, code like the
>> following would yield an error:
>>     struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a int }
>>     // ERROR: Cannot implement `Send` because the field `x` has type
>>     // `&'a int` which is not sendable.
>>     impl<'a> Send for Foo<'a> { }
>> These impls would follow the usual coherence requirements. For
>> example, a struct can only be declared as `Share` within the crate
>> where it is defined.
>> For convenience, I also propose a deriving shorthand
>> `#[deriving(Data)]` that would implement a "package" of common traits
>> for types that contain simple data: `Eq`, `Ord`, `Clone`, `Show`,
>> `Send`, `Share`, `Freeze`, and `Pod`.
>> #### Pod and linearity
>> One of the most important aspects of this proposal is that the `Pod`
>> trait would be something that one "opts in" to. This means that
>> structs and enums would *move by default* unless their type is
>> explicitly declared to be `Pod`. So, for example, the following
>> code would be in error:
>>     struct Point { x: int, y: int }
>>     ...
>>     let p = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
>>     let q = p;  // moves p
>>     print(p.x); // ERROR
>> To allow that example, one would have to impl `Pod` for `Point`:
>>     struct Point { x: int, y: int }
>>     impl Pod for Point { }
>>     ...
>>     let p = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
>>     let q = p;  // copies p, because Point is Pod
>>     print(p.x); // OK
>> Effectively this change introduces a three step ladder for types:
>> 1. If you do nothing, your type is *linear*, meaning that it moves
>>    from place to place and can never be copied in any way. (We need a
>>    better name for that.)
>> 2. If you implement `Clone`, your type is *cloneable*, meaning that it
>>    moves from place to place, but it can be explicitly cloned. This is
>>    suitable for cases where copying is expensive.
>> 3. If you implement `Pod`, your type is *plain old data*, meaning that
>>    it is just copied by default without the need for an explicit
>>    clone.  This is suitable for small bits of data like ints or
>>    points.
>> What is nice about this change is that when a type is defined, the
>> user makes an *explicit choice* between these three options.
>> #### Consistency
>> This change would bring the builtin traits more in line with other
>> common traits, such as `Eq` and `Clone`. On a historical note, this
>> proposal continues a trend, in that both of those operations used to
>> be natively implemented by the compiler as well.
>> #### API Stability
>> The set of builtin traits implemented by a type must be considered
>> part of its public inferface. At present, though, it's quite invisible
>> and not under user control. If a type is changed from `Pod` to
>> non-pod, or `Send` to non-send, no error message will result until
>> client code attempts to use an instance of that type. In general we
>> have tried to avoid this sort of situation, and instead have each
>> declaration contain enough information to check it indepenently of its
>> uses. Issue #12202 describes this same concern, specifically with
>> respect to stability attributes.
>> Making opt-in explicit effectively solves this problem. It is clearly
>> written out which traits a type is expected to fulfill, and if the
>> type is changed in such a way as to violate one of these traits, an
>> error will be reported at the `impl` site (or `#[deriving]`
>> declaration).
>> #### Pedagogy
>> When users first start with Rust, ownership and ownership transfer is
>> one of the first things that they must learn. This is made more
>> confusing by the fact that types are automatically divided into pod
>> and non-pod without any sort of declaration. It is not necessarily
>> obvious why a `T` and `~T` value, which are *semantically equivalent*,
>> behave so differently by default. Makes the pod category something you
>> opt into means that types will all be linear by default, which can
>> make teaching and leaning easier.
>> #### Safety and correctness: unsafe code
>> For safe code, the compiler's rules for deciding whether or not a type
>> is sendable (and so forth) are perfectly sound. However, when unsafe
>> code is involved, the compiler may draw the wrong conclusion. For such
>> cases, types must *opt out* of the builtin traits.
>> In general, the *opt out* approach seems to be hard to reason about:
>> many people (including myself) find it easier to think about what
>> properties a type *has* than what properties it *does not* have,
>> though clearly the two are logically equivalent in this binary world
>> we programmer's inhabit.
>> More concretely, opt out is dangerous because it means that types with
>> unsafe methods are generally *wrong by default*. As an example,
>> consider the definition of the `Cell` type:
>>     struct Cell<T> {
>>         priv value: T
>>     }
>> This is a perfectly ordinary struct, and hence the compiler would
>> conclude that cells are freezable (if `T` is freezable) and so forth.
>> However, the *methods* attached to `Cell` use unsafe magic to mutate
>> `value`, even when the `Cell` is aliased:
>>     impl<T:Pod> Cell<T> {
>>         pub fn set(&self, value: T) {
>>             unsafe {
>>                 *cast::transmute_mut(&self.value) = value
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> To accommodate this, we currently use *marker types* -- special types
>> known to the compiler which are considered nonpod and so forth. Therefore,
>> the full definition of `Cell` is in fact:
>>     pub struct Cell<T> {
>>         priv value: T,
>>         priv marker1: marker::InvariantType<T>,
>>         priv marker2: marker::NoFreeze,
>>     }
>> Note the two markers. The first, `marker1`, is a hint to the variance
>> engine indicating that the type `Cell` must be
>> [invariant with respect to its type argument][inv]. The second,
>> `marker2`, indicates that `Cell` is non-freeze. This then informs the
>> compiler that the referent of a `&Cell<T>` can't be considered
>> immutable. The problem here is that, if you don't know to opt-out,
>> you'll wind up with a type definition that is unsafe.
>> This argument is rather weakened by the continued necessity of a
>> `marker::InvariantType` marker. This could be read as an argument
>> towards explicit variance. However, I think that in this particular
>> case, the better solution is to introduce the `Mut<T>` type described
>> in #12577 -- the `Mut<T>` type would give us the invariance.
>> Using `Mut<T>` brings us back to a world where any type that uses
>> `Mut<T>` to obtain interior mutability is correct by default, at least
>> with respect to the builtin kinds. Types like `Atomic<T>` and
>> `Volatile<T>`, which guarantee data race freedom, would therefore have
>> to *opt in* to the `Share` kind, and types like `Cell<T>` would simply
>> do nothing.
>> #### Safety and correctness: future compatibility
>> Another concern about having the compiler automatically infer
>> membership into builtin bounds is that we may find cause to add new
>> bounds in the future. In that case, existing Rust code which uses
>> unsafe methods might be inferred incorrectly, because it would not
>> know to opt out of those future bounds. Therefore, any future bounds
>> will *have* to be opt out anyway, so perhaps it is best to be
>> consistent from the start.
>> #### Safety and correctness: semantic constraints
>> Even if type safety is maintained, some types ought not to be copied
>> for semantic reasons. An example from the compiler is the
>> `Datum<Rvalue>` type, which is used in code generation to represent
>> the computed result of an rvalue expression. At present, the type
>> `Rvalue` implements a (empty) destructor -- the sole purpose of this
>> destructor is to ensure that datums are not consumed more than once,
>> because this would likely correspond to a code gen bug, as it would
>> mean that the result of the expression evaluation is consumed more
>> than once. Another example might be a newtype'd integer used for
>> indexing into a thread-local array: such a value ought not to be
>> sendable. And so forth. Using marker types for these kinds of
>> situations, or empty destructors, is very awkward. Under this
>> proposal, users needs merely refrain from implementing the relevant
>> traits.
>> #### The `Sized` bound
>> In DST, we plan to add a `Sized` bound. I do not feel like users
>> should manually implemented `Sized`. It seems tedious and rather
>> ludicrous.
>> #### Counterarguments
>> The downsides of this proposal are:
>> - There is some annotation burden. I had intended to gather statistics
>>   to try and measure this but have not had the time.
>> - If a library forgets to implement all the relevant traits for a
>>   type, there is little recourse for users of that library beyond pull
>>   requests to the original repository. This is already true with
>>   traits like `Eq` and `Ord`. However, as SiegeLord noted on IRC, that
>>   you can often work around the absence of `Eq` with a newtype
>>   wrapper, but this is not true if a type fails to implement `Send` or
>>   `Pod`. This danger (forgetting to implement traits) is essentially
>>   the counterbalance to the "forward compatbility" case made above:
>>   where implementing traits by default means types may implement too
>>   much, forcing explicit opt in means types may implement too little.
>>   One way to mitigate this problem would be to have a lint for when an
>>   impl of some kind (etc) would be legal, but isn't implemented, at
>>   least for publicly exported types in library crates.
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