I have a number of I/O mapped registers that look like:

struct Dev {
  .. // u32 fields

pub static Dev0 : *mut Dev = 0xsomeaddr as *mut Dev;

with macro-generated getters and setters:

pub fn $getter_name(&self) -> u32 {
  unsafe { volatile_load(&(self.$reg)) }

unfortunately, calling a getter is calling a method on *Reg, which is
unsafe and looks like:

unsafe { (*Dev0).SOME_REG() };

is there any way to simplify the syntax, hopefully to simple
Dev0.SOME_REG()? I'm ok with any "unsafe" tricks including transmuting it
to &Dev (that doesn't seem to be possible though), as the getter/setter
methods are always safe in this scenario.

Vladimir "Farcaller" Pouzanov
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