On 20/05/14 06:45 PM, Masanori Ogino wrote:
> Hello.
> I found that the Reference Manual uses the term "owning pointer", the
> Pointer Guide and liballoc do "owned pointer" and Tutorial does "owned box".
> Which term is canonical today?
> -- 
> Masanori Ogino <masanori.og...@gmail.com <mailto:masanori.og...@gmail.com>>
> http://twitter.com/omasanori
> http://gplus.to/omasanori

Either owned box (a dynamic allocation owned by a pointer) or owning
pointer (a pointer owning a dynamic allocation) is accurate. On the
other hand, the term 'owned pointer' doesn't make sense as even
references and `Rc<T>` are an owned *pointer*, but the ownership
relationship doesn't pass through them.

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