Hi everyone,

I've submitted a pull request to make captures in closures *by-value* by default. Previously, they were all by-reference (except for `proc`). This means that several code patterns will break. Mutating upvars is the most common pattern:

    let mut a = 10;
    [ 1i, 2, 3 ].iter().map(|x| a += *x);

Change this code to:

    let mut a = 10;
    [ 1i, 2, 3 ].iter().map(ref |x| a += *x);

That is, add the `ref` keyword before the opening `|` of the closure.

As a simple measure to get your code up to date, you can simply prepend `ref` en masse to your closures. This will allow you to opt into the old semantics and will continue to work in the future.

This is a preparatory change for the move to unboxed closures. After this, there should be no further changes necessary to get your closures up to date; they should "just work" after closures become unboxed by default. (However, the *types* of your closures may change in the future once boxed closures are removed, so you may have to update function/method/etc. signatures. But the closures themselves should not need to change.)

Welcome to the brave new world!

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