LLVM already has support for instrumenting code to generate gcov data,
I believe Luqman and Huon have looked into this, at least slightly.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Sean McArthur <smcart...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> A project I'd love to see (either separate, or eventually baked into the
> test harness), is test coverage data. Something like how Go's cover[1]
> works, by adding counters to the source code, seems simplest. I've thought
> about this, and it could either be a CLI tool, like `rustc --cover --test`,
> or a plugin. Perhaps including a `#![cover]` attribute in the crate or
> something. With a plugin, the Plugin Registrar would need to add the ability
> to register a Visitor that can modify the AST.
> [1] http://blog.golang.org/cover
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