Hello Eric,

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Good luck with your project!

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 8:49 PM, Eric Stutzenberger <
dynamicstabil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm working on building out a Rust interface to the nRF51x series parts.
> I have a bare metal system working quite well.  The nRF51x has a bluetooth
> stack (called Softdevice).  This stack requires the use of supervisor calls
> to request the stack to perform certain functions.  My plan is to write a C
> library wrapper around these service calls, compile with arm-none-wabi-gcc
> and then link this to my Bare-metal rust system.  A large chunk of the work
> I have done thus far is based off of STM32 example work done by Jorge
> Aparicio (https://github.com/japaric).
> Since I have the basics up and running, I am working on trying to get a C
> static library built with arm-none-eabi-gcc and archived with
> arm-none-eabi-ar to properly link in with my Rust code.
> I have the following (very basic) .c file:
> uint32_t sum(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
> {
> return a + b;
> }
> I am compiling and linking with the following commands:
> arm-none-eabi-gcc -Wall -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb -fPIC --specs=nosys.specs
> -shared test.c -o test.o
> arm-none-eabi-ar -rs libtest.a test.o
> In my rust file:
> [link(name="test", kind="static")]
> extern {
> pub fn sum(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32;
> }
> I then invoke it as a test:
> pub fn main() {
>         let test_sum = unsafe { sum(2, 3) };
> }
> I am using a Makefile to execute the rust compiler for some specific
> arguments, such as my specific target:
> # rustc target
> TARGET = thumbv6m-none-eabi
> # toolchain prefix
> TRIPLE = arm-none-eabi
> APP_DIR = src/app
> OUT_DIR = target/$(TARGET)/release
> DEPS_DIR = $(OUT_DIR)/deps
> BINS = $(OUT_DIR)/%.hex
> HEXS = $(OUT_DIR)/%.hex
> ELFS = $(OUT_DIR)/%.elf
> OBJECTS = $(OUT_DIR)/intermediate/%.o
> SOURCES = $(APP_DIR)/%.rs
> APPS = $(patsubst $(SOURCES),$(BINS),$(wildcard $(APP_DIR)/*.rs))
> # don't delete my elf files!
> all: rlibs  $(APPS)
> clean:
> cargo clean
> # TODO $(APPS) should get recompiled when the `rlibs` change
> mkdir -p $(dir $@)
> rustc \
> --crate-type staticlib \
> --emit obj \
> --target $(TARGET) \
> -L $(DEPS_DIR) \
> -L ../sd110_lib \
> --verbose \
> -o $@ \
> -ltest \
> $<
> $(TRIPLE)-ld \
> --gc-sections \
> -T layout.ld \
> -o $@ \
> $<
> #size $@
> $(BINS): $(ELFS)
> $(TRIPLE)-objcopy \
> -O ihex \
> $< \
> $@
> rlibs:
> cargo build --target $(TARGET) --verbose --release
> The cargo.toml is as follows:
> [package]
> name = "bmd200eval"
> version = "0.1.0"
> authors = ["Eric Stutzenberger <eric.stutzenber...@rigado.com>"]
> [dependencies.nrf51822]
> path = "../nrf51822.rs"
> When I run make, I get the following output:
> .
> .
> .
> mkdir -p target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/intermediate/
> rustc \
> -C lto -g  \
> --crate-type staticlib \
> --emit obj \
> --target thumbv6m-none-eabi \
> -L target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/deps \
> -L ../sd110_lib \
> --verbose \
> -o target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/intermediate/blink.o \
> -ltest \
> src/app/blink.rs
> src/app/blink.rs:42:9: 42:17 warning: unused variable: `test_sum`,
> #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default
> src/app/blink.rs:42     let test_sum = unsafe { sum(2, 3) };
>                             ^~~~~~~~
> arm-none-eabi-ld \
> --gc-sections \
> -T layout.ld \
> -o target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/blink.elf \
> target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/intermediate/blink.o
> target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/intermediate/blink.o: In function
> `blink::main':
> git/rust-nrf/bmd200eval.rs/src/app/blink.rs:42: undefined reference to
> `sum'
> I have found numerous different references to linking Rust with C and
> calling C from Rust but I haven't found a specific answer as to why this
> will not link.  As you can see in the Makefile, I have tried to
> force rustc's hand in finding and linking against the library, but this
> doesn't seem to make a difference.
> Is there an issue with how I am building a library?
> Since rustc is generating a staticlib in this case, is there some
> different method that needs to be used?
> Note that I am avoiding the Clang compiler for the moment due to the
> following:
> https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/29628/using-clang-and-the-s110-issues-with-supervisor-calls-to-the-softdevice/
> Essentially, the gist of the above is that Clang is not quite producing
> the correct supervisor assembly code for calling in to the bluetooth stack,
> especially when optimizations are enabled.
> Cheers,
> Eric
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