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On Wednesday, 20 December 2017 16:18:08 GMT google wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm currently trying to how conditional compiling in rust
> actually works. I was under the impression that
>      #[cfg(feature = "foo")]
> behaves pretty much like an #ifdef, but for the subsequent
> syntactical block, so instead of
>      #ifdef ENABLE_FOO
>      fn ... {
>      }
>      #endif
> you istead write
>      #[cfg(feature = "foo")]
>      fn ... {
>      }
> BUT: there're lots of cases, where this doesn't seem to work, eg.
> with if statements. An 'if cfg!(feature = "foo")' doesn't work for
> me, as lots of types in the disabled code pathes won't exist at all.
> Similar w/ 'use' statements, parameter lists, match statements, ...
> background: I'm currently trying to trim down Servo, as it doesn't
> compile on 32bit system (don't have an 64bit environment right now)
> and I'd like to get rid of lots of things (eg. bluetooth, gamepad, etc)
> anyways.
> --mtx
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