
Thank you for the information!

In my environment, the simulation completed successfully.
I think your problem is lack of resource, especially CPU performance.
While Monitoring resource, CPU usage eventually reached 100%, but Memory usage has hardly changed.

My CPU is : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz


On 2018年03月20日 17:21, ‏Eman ‏ Bany salameh via Ryu-devel wrote:
For the topology code just run this command
$sudo python slow-TCAM-topolgy.py
But keep the SYN-ACk.py script in the same directory with the topology code.

You can run the controller as any ryu application code, but keep in mind to start the controller before you run the topology code
$ ./bin/ryu-manager  app/slow-tcam-attack.py

Eman Bany Salameh

On Mar 20, 2018, at 7:41 AM, Fujimoto Satoshi <satoshi.fujimo...@gmail.com <mailto:satoshi.fujimo...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I'd like to run your application in my environment.
Could you tell me how to use these three scripts?


On 2018年03月20日 02:05, ‫Eman Bany salameh‬ ‫ via Ryu-devel wrote:
Hello All,

I need to simulate slow SYN attack in mininet with Ryu. I need to fill the switch flow table with 1500 flow entries. However, when I run the code the maximum number of flows I saw was 67, and after  a while of running the code, my laptop holds. My Laptop has Intel Core i5 cpu with 8GB RAM. I need to know if the problem from limited resources or from bug in the code. The attached is my topology code with the controller code and the shell the host needs to run to generate SYN packets.

Any help will be appreciated.


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